Should I have a carpet cleaner or house cleaner come first

If you are having your house cleaned , the last thing you should have cleaned is the carpet. Even when you are dealing with a water lost the carpet cleaner is the last person that comes to youe home. The house cleaners can have all the carpet vacuumed and ready to be cleaned. When the house cleaners dust and wipe down the baseboards the carpet cleaning crew can make sure all the floors look great when they leave . The carpet cleaner will cover all the floors that are not cleaning and be able to clean up any foot prints that they might have made, not saying they will leave foot prints but they can clean up after them self. You also do not want the house cleaners to be walking over the freshly cleaned carpet and they are always setting their cleaning supplies on the carpet. The carpet cleaning company will clean there way out of the home so the house will look ,feel and smell like the first day of spring.

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