How to take off a baseboard

The first thing you do is to cut the top of the board, where the caulking is, with a razor blade also cut the corners so when you take off the baseboard you will not take off the paint with it. Then you take a finish pry bar and hammer it all the way down to the floor where it is against the two by four on the ground. Sometimes you can start it with a wide putty knife. Then you can pull the base board back enough to get a bigger pry bar in all the way to the floor so you are pushing against the 2 by 4, this way you will not put a hole in the wall. Start from the middle of the board and work your way to the ends of the board. Doing it this way you will find it pretty easy to take the base board off without breaking it.

We take baseboards off the walls all the time. We put holes in the walls where the baseboards were to allow air into the walls to dry the walls and sometimes we inject air into the walls with tubes and an Inject-A-Dry system.

How to get an indentation out of the carpet

When your furniture leaves a indentation in your carpet , this is how you can fix that

When you move your furniture around it often times leaves an indentation in your carpet, I have seen post saying to put ice cubes on the carpet and what that will do is slowly drip water into the pad and make the pad under your carpet swell,  But you need to steam the carpet to loosen the carpet fibers and the backing of the carpet. The best way is using a wall paper steamer but any steamer will do .   If you do not have a steamer you can use a cloths iron ,  set the iron on the steam setting and use a wet towel like the one that I have in the video below. I carpet clean a lot of home that someone is moving out of the home and someone new is moving in .  They both have different furniture and so when I am carpet cleaning the house I get the furniture dents out of the carpet this way and it does work

When someone new is moving into a new home and we are carpet cleaning , it helps to get all the indentations out of the carpet

I used white vinegar on my natural stone and now it is dull looking

Don't use white vinegar on your natural stone counter top or floor

If you are cleaning your natural stone floor or counter top like Marble, Limestone, Granite, Slate, Quartz or Travertine ect. if you use white vinegar on the natural stone it will react with the lime in the stone and etch  or take off a layer of the stone and make it look dull and take away the beauty of the stone. So use a mile soap that is for natural stone and make sure the PH level is above 7  .  White vinegar is a mild  acid and I think the PH level is about 5 .   You will run into this a lot with marble counter tops and floors.     

So there is a way to fix this problem. You can go to Amazon and order this product Dia-Glo for marble floors and use your drill with a pad like this in the picture below and follow the directions on the product. It is a diamond power product that is for polishing the marble stone and it will bring back the shine. You add water to it and it will have a milky look to it . Go over it for about 30 seconds and wipe it with a towel and see if it looks the same. Just keep doing it until it looks the same as the rest of the  marble does that was not cleaned by the white vinegar.     I used this product on my customers marble floor because she cleaned around her toilet using white vinegar on her marble floor and she was so unhappy she was going to pull all the marble flooring out of her bathroom .  So I told her I could fix her problem she was really happy the way it looked.  This product Dia-Glo really works if done righ

Carpet cleaning in Utah

Carpet cleaning service in Utah 801-756-2275

When you call Alpine Professional Carpet Care, you are calling a family owned and operated business. We are a husband and wife carpet cleaning business, The Jeff and Judy team. It is just the little things that we do that are going to make it the best carpet cleaning experience you have ever had. We cater to all the little details because we care. We have been in business, cleaning carpets now since 1994. Well take a look at some of these videos and pictures and you can see how we can make a difference in your carpets when we are carpet cleaning. 

Pre scrubbing the pre spray in so important. Just take a look at this video and you can see how the right product for the right carpet and soil can loosen up all the soil in the carpet ready for the cleaning process.

In this video you can see how an RX-20 works on the carpet. It just goes over and over until the carpet is really clean.  It is like a clothes washing machine, just rinsing and cleaning over and over again with hot boiling water. It is like 5 carpet cleaning wands going over an area 100 times to make sure it is clean. 

It is so easy to use, I can run the RX20 with just one hand and in this video you can see the difference I am making on the carpet.

Here, I am flushing the pet urine out of the carpet and the pad with my OSR water pail  and a water claw. The water claw can retrieve the water from the pad right through the carpet. When I was done cleaning the carpet, I left fans and picked them up the next day and none of the carpet smelled like pet urine. I know because I was there the next day to pick up my fans. 

Here I am cleaning the carpet with a carpet cleaning wand. Can you see what a great job my wife and I are doing?


Not just cleaning the carpets is important but making sure the carpet dries fast is also important. I always carry at least 10 fans in my carpet cleaning van.

Here you can see after I clean a room, I setup a fan to start the drying process.

Sometimes I clean the living room first and turn the fire place on so the carpet cleaning fans blow hot dry air across the carpet. On this job, this room was dry before I left this customer's house. 

We were cleaning the tile and the carpet in Orem Utah and this is some of the equipment, we use to clean with. 

Our water line is so hot, I have to use these lawn pic's to keep my water pressure line from burning the grass.

Carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah

Carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah, 801-756-2275  

When we are cleaning your carpets in Lindon, we will put up and Seal-A-Door to keep the bugs out of the house and the pets and children inside of the home. In the winter time it really helps to keep it warm inside of your house, so when I am done carpet cleaning a room my fans will work better if it is warm inside the room. Just think of a hair drier, heat and air movement is what dries the carpet.

Then, we will do everything to protect your home, by putting down blankets and tarps on the floor we are not cleaning and putting corner guards to protect the walls of your home. Then we will pre spray your carpet and scrub it with a Brush Pro to break away any soil that might be in the carpet. You can see in this video, how the carpet is already looking better just by scrubbing the carpet.

Then we will steam clean the carpet with our powerful truck mounted steam clean unit. As for truck mounts it is one of the larger truck mounts out there. In this picture can you see we are making a difference in the carpet we are cleaning.

If you have some furniture that you want moved, just ask, Judy and I can move it and then move it back after we cleaned under the furniture and we will put plastic tabs and styrofoam blocks under the legs so the wood stain on the legs do not bleed on the newly cleaned carpet. We will do everything we can to protect the things in your home when we are carpet cleaning. . 

Carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah 4.jpg

Here is a video of us carpet cleaning in Lindon Utah. Maybe you can take a look. Having the right equipment and products to clean with and the knowledge on how to use them is very important. I have been cleaning carpets for 30 years now so this is not my first walk in the park and most other carpet cleaners think I should be teaching classes on how to clean carpets. The fundamentals of carpet cleaning, CHEMICALS using the right product for the right fabric and soil in the carpet, TIME to let the chemical break down the soil,  AGITATION they have been doing this for years when washing your clothes. Do you remember your mom rubbing your shirt together? And last TEMPERATURE, the hotter your water is the better your pre spray will work on the carpet to loosen up the soil. 

Can you see we are making a difference when we are carpet cleaning this home in Lindon Utah?

Carpet cleaning in Springville Utah

Carpet cleaning service in Springville Utah.  801-756-2275     We have been cleaning carpets now in Springville Utah for over 20 years now , When you call Alpine Professional carpet Care you get my wife Judy or I on the phone and Judy and myself will be the ones that comes out to clean your carpets, i have been cleaning carpets now for 30 years and we have the best equipment and products to get your carpets the cleanest they have ever been since they were new. 

When we are cleaning your carpets we do everything  we can to protect your home

Can you see the difference we are making on this carpet?  We prespray the carpet and we use a Brush Pro on the carpet to loosen up all the dirt to make it easy to rinse away and then after we are done steam cleaning your carpets we will setup airmovers to help the drying process

Using a seal-a-door in the winter time helps it stay warm inside your home and in the Summer time it keeps the pets,and kids in and the bugs out . We put down tarps and blankets to protect your floor

This is our carpet cleaning van and it has a very powerful truckmounted carpet cleaning unit inside the van. With a #5 blower and a heater 3,000 psi water pump it does a great job when we are cleaning your carpets.  We also have a big van full of carpet cleaning equipment to make sure the job is done right, What other carpet cleaner carries 10 carpet cleaning fans in their van to dry the carpets with.

Carpet cleaning service in Provo Utah

Carpet cleaning in Provo Utah  The important part of carpet cleaning is CHEMICAL, AGITATION, TIME AND TEMPERATURE. Lets start off with pre vacuuming to get all the dry soil out of the carpet so when you pre spray the carpet you don't make mud and then you would be trying to get the mud out of the carpet when you are carpet cleaning. Then you pre spray the carpet with the right chemical that fits the type of carpet you are cleaning and the type of soil that is in the carpet. This suspends the soil in a liquid form to make to make it easier to rinse away. Then allow time for the chemical to work.  Adding some agitation by using a Brush Pro does a very good job when you are cleaning the carpets. Then last, the hotter the water is that you are cleaning with the better the chemical will work on the carpet. For every 18 degrees that the water is over 140 degrees the chemical will work twice as good. Then rinsing away everything is so important to make sure there is no soil and residue left in the carpet. Then setting the pile with a carpet cleaning rake really helps so when you set up your air movers or fans to dry the carpet, it will dry faster.

You can see I have to use these lawn pics to keep my water line above the grass, so it will not burn a line in my customer's grass. Because my water is so hot, about 230 degrees.

You can see I have to use these lawn pics to keep my water line above the grass, so it will not burn a line in my customer's grass. Because my water is so hot, about 230 degrees.

Pre vacuuming is so important, I use this this Sanitaire vacuum.

This is what a Brush Pro looks like. It has two large brushes that counter rotate and any debris that is in the carpet, like pet hair, the brush with pick it up and put it in the bins.

In this short video you can see, if done right, how important it is to clean and rinse away all the soil and residue in the carpet. Can you see what a difference we are making on this carpet, when we are carpet cleaning this home?

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We always set up air movers to dry the carpet. When we turn the fireplace on it will blow hot air across the carpet so the carpet will dry really fast. Just think of a hair dryer, heat and air movement is what dries the carpet.

How to get blood out of the carpet

How to get blood out of the carpet when we are carpet cleaning in Highland Utah. We got a call because someone passed away in this gym in the middle of the night and when we got the call in the morning we got there right a way.  So first we flooded the area with a protein spotter over and over again to make sure we flushed out the carpet really well. We used this bucket of protein spotter and a water claw that will suck right through the carpet. Then we sprayed down some Hydrogen Peroxide to kill any bacteria that might be in the carpet. Then we cleaned the carpet with out powerful truckmounted unit and a carpet cleaning wand. Then when we were all done we sprayed a disinfectant fungicide on the carpet.

Take a look at this video. You can see how my bucket, that I made into a watering pail, to use with my water claw works really well to flush out everything in the carpet.

How to wrap up an extension cord so it won't get tangled

If the extension cord is short, wrapping it around your arm is OK , but if the extension cord is over 25 feet long, it is best to wrap it up like I am showing you in the video below. I have a water damage cleanup service and I carry a lot of extension cords in my carpet cleaning van and my water damage cleanup trailer to run my dry equipment. Sometimes I have to get power from the upstairs floor so I do not trip a breaker.

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If you wind up the extension cord this way it will never get tangled. You can stick your extension cord in a bucket or hang it up on the wall of your truck. No matter how you store it, when it is wound up this way, it will never get tangled and it is really easy to unwind to be used again. So this is my little tip of the day.

Garage floor cleaning service in Utah County

Cleaning a garage floor in Utah county, we first spray the whole floor with a cement cleaning product then we scrub the floor with a buffer, some times we use a green pad and other times we use a brush block, then we steam clean the tile with this spinner tool. We go over the edges with a Gekko tool and a Corbra tool. Then we squeegee and mop the floor.  Then we set up air movers to dry. While we are waiting for the cement to dry we look for anything that is stuck to the floor. Sometimes we have to scrape things off the floor. We bring in a lot of equipment to clean your garage floor to make sure it is cleaned right So just give us a call 801-756-2275

If you are moving into a new home and we are cleaning your carpets, let us clean your garage also, because it is really nice to move into a new home with a clean garage.  

Looking at this video will give you an idea on how we clean your garage floor.

Commercial Tile and Grout Cleaning in Provo Utah

Commercial Tile and grout cleaning in Provo Utah

We were cleaning the tile and grout in this restaurant in Provo. First we pre sprayed the tile with the right product and then we scrubbed the tile with a buffer that had a brush block on it. After that we went over the bad areas with a grout brush. Then we steamed the tile with our spinner tool and our truck mount. It spins, sprays, and sucks the water inside the dome of the tool so it does not makes a mess. We also have a hand tool to get the edges of the tile. Then we set up air movers to dry. When the tile is dry we look around to look for bad spots that we might have missed.

In this video you can see that I am scrubbing the tile with my buffer.

And in this video you can see that I am using my spinner tool to rinse and clean the tile.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care, Tile and grout cleaning in Utah County

When Alpine Professional Carpet Care cleans your tile and grout in Utah County, we first pre spray the tile with the right pre spray, natural stone takes a different pre spray, than ceramic  tile. Then we scrub the tile with a buffer with a brush block and a grout brush to loosen up all the dirt to make it easy to clean and rinse away. We also have this spinner tool that pressure washes the tile with boiling hot water as it vacuums it away at the same time, while staying in this dome so it does not make a mess.

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Scrubbing the tile and grout is very important before we steam clean it with our spinner tool and our Gekko and Corbra tool. The Gekko tool is a wand that has 4 jets to get the edges of the tile and the Corbra tool is a small tool to get to clean the hard to get places like around the toilet.

Here, in this video you can see us using a spinner tool to clean the tile and the picture below, I am using a Corbra tool to clean next to the base boards. When we are all done cleaning the tile, we set up air movers to get it dry so we can go around and look for bad spots and get them with my hand tool. It sometimes looks different when it is dry, that is why we need to get it dry before we leave.

using a hand tool to clean the tile and grout in Utah County.jpg

Alpine Professional Carpet Care, Upholstery cleaning In Utah County

When we are upholstery cleaning in Utah County we make sure to get out all the spots out of the sofa and that is why we make sure we get it dry before we leave to make sure sure it looks great  Here, you can see we are drying the cushions. We put down a canvas tarp to protect the floor and keep the cushions clean.  There was pen marks on the couch and we got it all out.  That is why this customer called us

When we are upholstery cleaning in Utah County. We make sure to protect your home, by covering the floor and protecting the walls. We bring in a table to clean the cushions on and we bring in air movers and a tarp to set the cushions on to dry. We first scrub the sofa with a fabric shampoo and a horse hair brush to loosen up all the dirt on your couch and then we steam clean it with our powerful truck mount and an upholstery tool. Then we brush out the stroke lines with a brass brush then set up air movers to dry. This way we can see what it looks like when it is dry and check everywhere to make sure it looks great and there are no spots on the upholstery

Here you can see we use a fold up table to clean your upholstery on and the bucket on the table is the fabric shampoo we use to scrub the sofa with.

In this video you can see us scrubbing the cushion with the fabric shampoo, then using an upholstery tool to rinse and clean the upholstery.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care, carpet cleaning in Utah County

Sometimes it is just the little things that you do that make a difference, when we are carpet cleaning in your home. Here at Alpine Professional Carpet Care, we care to do the very best job we can do. We have the experience and the right equipment to make sure your carpets are the cleanest they have ever been. We clean because we care.

When you call Alpine Professional Carpet Care and you want some carpet cleaning done in Utah county, this is what you can except. First we will do everything to protect your home. Starting with using lawn pics to keep our hoses on the sidewalks and to keep our hot water line from burning your grass. Then we will cover the floor that we are not cleaning and put up Huggers and corners guards to protect your walls. We also put up a Seal-A-Door to keep it warm inside the home in the winter time and in the summer, it keeps the pets in and the bugs out.  

Then we will pre spray the carpet to loosen up all the dirt and scrub it with our Brush Pro. Then we use our powerful truck mount and a carpet cleaning wand to steam clean and rinse out all the dirt in your carpet. When we are done cleaning a room, we will set up a fan to help the drying process. My wife and I always look for spots in the carpet to make sure the carpet looks great when we are done. If there is something you want moved, just ask and we can move it. We have furniture sliders to help with moving your couch or other items. Then we will put plastic tabs or styrofoam blocks under the legs so it won't leave rust spots and the wood stain on the wooded legs won't leave a stain in your carpet. We carry lots of different products in our van to get out various spots in your carpet, because every spot needs a different product to get it out. Just like different types of carpet needs a different pre spray and rinse. You would not use the same product on a wool carpet as an Olefin or nylon carpet.  We always take a look at the carpet to see the best way to go about cleaning the carpet so we can make sure it will come out the cleanest it has ever been.

On this video can you see what a difference we are making on the carpet using this RX20?

We have been in business here in Alpine Utah now since 1994. I have been cleaning carpets since 1986. Give us a call 801-756-2275 and we will do a great job for you.

What kind of carpet do I pick for my room, Carpet Cleaning in Pleasant Grove, Utah

carpet cleaning in Pleasant Grove, Utah


If you are buying carpet and you live in Pleasant Grove, Utah, it really depends on what the room is used for so you know what kind of carpet to buy. What style do you like and how much money you wand to spend? When buying carpet I would buy from a place that sells a lot of carpet because they will get a better deal when they buy in bulk. I suggest that you buy at least 7/16 8 lb. pad it goes for about $60 a roll. (which is 30 yards or 270 sq. ft.) There are all kinds of carpet out there. For example, if you have pets, there is Petprotect carpet, if you have a lot of family members, there is Activefamily carpet. If you want a carpet that really feels good on your feet, there is Trusoft carpet, etc. I like Nylon carpet because it is the most resilient, it does not mat down as much as polyester or olefin carpet. If you have a rental or commercial building I would use olefin carpet because it does not have very many dye ports and the carpet will not stain as much when they spill food dyes on the carpets and it will look better longer. It  also does not fade as much so would be good for a patio room. Polyester carpet has come a long way. It is not as good for the wear and tear and it fades more, but it has a soft feel. They are making it better now. When you buy polyester carpet you can get more carpet for the buck, but you get what you pay for. As for a carpet cleaner I like nylon carpet,  nylon is great for wear and tear but it is not very stain repellent, but for you just get what you like and what you can afford.  Because a good carpet cleaner can clean any carpet and make it look good! Most wall to wall carpet is Nylon, Polyester, Olefin, Wool, Acrylic and some carpet is a blend of a few types. Each type has their good and bad points.

No matter what kind of carpet you have we can do a great job in cleaning your carpats

Wall Drying in Utah County, Water damage

Here we were drying the bottom of the walls with an in-ject-a-dry system and a few fans, We took off the base boards and we are forcing air into the walls to dry them

Here is a picture where we were drying the wall in Cedar Hills Utah on this water damage job.

Here we did a water damage cleanup in Alpine, Utah. We had to dry the wall behind the cedar. You have to pull off the trim of the window, and drill holes in the indentation, so when the walls are dry, all you have to do is putty the holes and put the trim back on. This is an Inject-A-Dry System.


If you live in Highland, Utah, you are close, because we are right here in Alpine. My name is Jeff Tobian, and I have been in business here in Alpine since 1994. I have a powerful truck mount and a big hightop Promaster van full of carpet cleaning equipment to make sure your carpet is being cleaned properly. When you call Alpine Professional Carpet Care, you will get me to clean your carpets and not just any employee.


Here we were cleaning this home theater room in Highland Utah

Many people ask me how long will it take for my carpets to dry after I get them cleaned and it all depends on how warm it is inside the home  and if you add airmovement it will accelerate the drying process, just think of a hair blow drier heat and airmovement dries the carpet ,  even if a room is full of steam the hair blow drier still will dry your hair. We have lots of fans in our carpet cleaning van and we can get your carpets dry in no time after we clean them

This is our Highland Utah carpet cleaning van

We will bring in a bucket of sliders to move the furniture around so we can clean the whole room and not just part of the room.

Give us a call, we will do a great job of cleaning your carpets for you.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care, Inc.  



 Alpine Professional Carpet Care was cleaning Ashford Memory Care in Highland, Utah.

The staff here are great. They really care for and love their residents. 

We regularly clean the carpets here to make sure the carpet is always clean.

If you have carpets that need to be cleaned, give us a call.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care


Commercial carpet cleaning is a lot different than cleaning someones home and the carpet is a lot different. We have been cleaning commercial building now for over 20 years now and we know the best way to make sure the carpet is the cleanest they have ever been, Because what your business looks like really matters to your customers or clients . 


 If you need carpet cleaning in Cedar Hills, Utah, we are a local carpet cleaning company. I, Jeff Tobian, started Alpine Professional Carpet Care in 1994. If you give us a call, I will be the one to answer the phone and the one to come out and clean your carpets. We are right next door, in Alpine, Utah. 

I have a lot of experience and training to make sure your carpets are being cleaned right.

So give us a call.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care 801-756-2275

Here we were carpet cleaning in Cedar Hills Utah and we were using Lawn pic's so the hot water line from our truckmount won't burn their grass.

Many people ask me after I get my carpets cleaned will they get dirty faster.  It is the same as washing your cloths , when you wash your cloths do they get dirty faster,  NO because when you are washing your cloths you rinse your cloths very well to get all the soap out of the carpet and it is the same thing when you are having your carpets cleaned . The key to carpet cleaning is making your carpets are rinsed well so they do not resoil because the main purpose of the pespray is to attract the soil in a liquid form to make it easier to rinse away.  Have you tried to clean your cloths with out using soap.  It does not work very well

Using a few fans in a room and having the fire place on in the winter time really helps dry the carpet when I am carpet cleaning in Cedar hills Utah. I cleaned this room first and it was almost dry before I left. Get it clean and then get it dry. Blowing hot dry air across the carpet dries the carpet really fast

Carpet Cleaning Near Cedar Hills, Utah

 If you need carpet cleaning in Cedar Hills, Utah, we are a local carpet cleaning company. I, Jeff Tobian, started Alpine Professional Carpet Care in 1994. If you give us a call, I will be the one to answer the phone and the one to come out and clean your carpets. We are right next door, in Alpine, Utah. 

I have a lot of experience and training to make sure your carpets are being cleaned right.

So give us a call.

Alpine Professional Carpet Care 801-756-2275

carpet cleaning near cedar hills utah

Some times carpet cleaning in Cedar Hills in the winter time can be a challenge but on this job we shoveled the driveway first , put up a seal-a-door to keep it warm inside the home. We put down tarps and blanket on the wood floor to protect them and we left a fan in each room that we cleaned so the carpet would dry. So even it was winter time we were able to dry the carpets really fast and once again we had a happy customer